Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Invitation...


“Come, follow me…” (Matthew 4:19)

The journey of discipleship begins with an invitation.  With this invite, Jesus extends His hand to you.  His desire is that you take it.  Come, follow me.

As you take it, He wants to talk with you so He can teach you His ways.  Can you hear His voice?  He has given you the gift of His Word.  The Bible is God’s love letter to you and the world.  He is communicating something powerful:  grace and truth!  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or who you are.  He loves you and because He loves, you are someone special in His eyes.  Your identity is not wrapped up in your wounds, faults, or failures.  Your identity is founded in His forgiveness.  In Christ, you are a new creation. You are a beloved child of the Father.  Even when you lose sight of that identity, His hand is extended…waiting.  Come, follow me.

As you take it, He wants you to talk with Him. Do you know what to say?  He wants you to be honest.  He wants to hear your joys.  What’s going good?  What are you proud of?  He wants you to celebrate and laugh with you.  He also wants to hear your concerns and frustrations.  What are you mourning?  What are your disappointments?  Nothing is too big or small.  Don’t hold anything back.  He’s got all the time in the world.  He wants you to feel His presence and know He is with you every waking and sleeping moment of every single day.  Even when you are totally and utterly convinced that you are alone and helpless, His hand is still extended…waiting.  Come, follow me.

As you take it, He wants you to walk with Him.  Do you know what it is to live abundantly?  He wants you to follow in His footsteps and be a disciple “in motion.”  He wants you to live out your faith and to give evidence of that faith through the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  He wants you to demonstrate the love you have for Him through the love you offer to others.  He wants you to offer kind and encouraging words to each person you meet.  It doesn’t matter who it is and what their background is.  He wants you to be His incarnational presence in their life.  He wants you to be His hands and feet. That may sound daunting, but don’t worry.  He will give you the strength. He will equip you with what you need.  Even when you have been emotionally wounded or verbally attacked and the last think you want to do is “turn your check,” His hand is forever extended…waiting.  Come, follow me.

God is calling you into a deeper relationship.  He wants to lead you on a grand adventure.  He offers His grace and He desires your trust and obedience to His truth.  He does this because He wants you to experience the love and peace that life with Him affords.

Each and every morning we are faced with choices afresh.  None are as important as whether or not you will accept the invitation from Jesus.  Will you talk with Him today?  Will you walk with Him today ? Will you live for Him today?

Will you take Jesus' hand today?  Come, follow me.

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